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- A small treatise on the use of ProxyARP
- by Al Longyear <longyear@netcom.com>
- December 5, 1994
- I. Introduction
- This document is written to help those who are considering using the
- proxy ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) logic within Linux in the aid
- of PPP and SLIP server devices. Proxy ARP is also called 'gracious
- ARP' in some sources of documentation. There have been numerous
- requests for the use of proxy ARP. When it is not able to be used,
- some people deem this as a flaw in the software and wonder why it is
- broken.
- I hope that with the aid of this document, people will understand
- more about proxy ARP as well as when it is and is not useful.
- The use of proxy ARP is useful when you have a server. It will allow
- the dynamic connection of remote systems without the need for the
- update of the routing tables on other system but the one associated
- as the 'server'.
- The term 'server' is somewhat of a misnomer. TCP/IP is a peer-to-peer
- networking environment. It does not have a client to server relation
- as other systems do in that resources are offered or 'shared' on
- servers while clients 'use' them. However, it is convenient to call the
- 'system which answers the telephone' a server; while the 'system
- which dials the telephone to connect to the server' a client.
- Linux's networking software directly supports proxy ARP. There is
- no need for a special daemon process such as proxyarpd used in some
- systems.
- Both the PPP protocol support code, pppd, and at least one of the SLIP
- support code, dip-uri, will support proxy ARP. In addition, the
- networking program, arp, will manage and display the table.
- To understand how Proxy ARP works and when it may be used, you need to
- have a basic understanding of how networking is performed in general.
- The next three sections of this document will describe in the
- briefest of terms how TCP/IP networking is performed and how routing
- works.
- II. The Hardware side of Networking
- All networking using ethernet or token ring is performed using a MAC
- (Media Access Control) address. This is a hardware address associated
- with a specific controller. Each MAC address is unique. They are
- assigned by the manufacturer of the controller. While they may be
- overridden in software, this is not the general rule.
- IP addresses are translated to MAC addresses using a special table
- within the networking software called the `ARP cache'. When the
- networking software wishes to send an IP frame to the specified
- address, it will consult this cache to determine the MAC address. If
- the entry is not found in the cache, a special request is made of all
- systems attached to the network to resolve the IP address to a MAC
- address. This is called an ARP request.
- The response to the ARP request is a reply with the MAC address. This
- MAC address is then added to the cache so that the translation may be
- performed subsequently without the aid of ARP.
- It is this ARP request which is used by the proxy ARP logic to aid
- in the support of remote connections.
- There are rules by which the entries in the cache are removed. Those
- rules are not germane to this document and are best left to a
- technical description of ip networking.
- (While token ring is under development, and is available on a test
- basis, the common networking transport media for Linux is ethernet. I
- will use the term 'ethernet' from now on. Similar facilities are
- available for token ring, irrespective of token ring's source routing.)
- III. Reason for the use of Proxy ARP
- The purpose of proxy ARP is to allow the assignment of more than one
- IP address to a single network adapter.
- The manner in which it does this is to create an entry in the ARP
- cache of Linux which associates the additional IP address with the
- hardware address of the ethernet controller. This permits the Linux
- system to respond to an ARP request to translate an IP address to a
- hardware address.
- IV. TCP/IP Routing
- [A small preface is in order at this time. This describes the
- 'spanning-tree' routing. It does not describe 'source-routing' of IP
- frames. The source routing performed by token ring is not IP source
- routing but is performed at the MAC layer. The use of IP source
- routing is discouraged. Token ring MAC source routing is a
- requirement of that transport.]
- To understand more about proxy ARP, you need to understand how IP
- frames are routed on the network. I do not plan to go into great
- detail. If you wish additional information, there are many books
- available which will offer more in-depth information. (If you don't
- wish the books, then look at the RFC documents.)
- IP frames are routed at each stage of their passage through the
- network. Each host, router, and gateway decides for itself and based
- upon its own copy of the routing tables where the specific IP frame is
- to be transmitted.
- The routing is performed using the term which I will call an
- 'IP network'. Each network interface is assigned an unique IP network.
- Each is given an IP address. Each is given a netmask. The 'IP network'
- is simply the logical conjunction of the IP address with the netmask.
- For example, the IP address of and the netmask of
- would have an 'IP network' of While I am using
- byte netmasks, the same logic would apply to the non-byte boundary
- netmasks.
- Linux associates the netmask with the route entry. When you add a
- route into the system, you specify a IP address and the associated
- destination device. If you don't specify a netmask, the netmask is
- taken from the destination device's default netmask which is set when
- the device is configured with ifconfig.
- To better understand routing, consider the following configuration of
- a sample system.
- Destination Netmask Gateway Flags Device
- U eth0
- U eth1
- UG eth1
- UH ppp0
- U eth0
- This is a system with three network devices. It has two ethernet
- controllers and one PPP device. IP frames may come into this system
- from any one of the three sources. In addition, frames are forwarded
- through this system to any one of the three destination devices.
- The default route is to the gateway device at as
- demonstrated by the last entry. To reach that gateway, the frame is
- to be transmitted by the eth0 controller.
- There is one PPP device connected. Its IP address is
- The eth0 device is on the IP network of while the eth1
- device is on the IP network
- In addition, there is a net route to the IP network
- available at the gateway associated with
- To understand how routing is performed, consider an IP frame for the
- destination of
- Linux will go through the route table and for each entry, take the
- netmask, perform a logical conjunction (and) with the netmask and
- then compare it to the entry's destination IP address. If the result
- matches, the frame is sent to the device indicated.
- The result is that the frame for the IP address of will
- be sent to the eth1 device.
- Likewise a frame for the IP address of will go to the
- ppp0 device while the IP address of will go to the eth0
- device since the ppp0 device will only accept its one IP address of
- Frames for are different. They have a 'gateway'
- associated with them. They are found in the similar manner. However,
- instead of just sending them to the eth1 device, they are sent to the
- one system which is associated with the IP address of It
- is this IP address which is translated to a MAC address, rather than
- the destination address,
- When they arrive at the system, that system will forward
- them on to the final destination of by using its routing
- table which may say to send it on its eth3 interface.
- There are many error conditions which are caught by this form of
- routing. I don't want to go into all of them, however, if for
- example, did not have a path to reach the .4 address,
- then it would send back a ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
- frame to the original sender that it does not have a 'route to the
- host' condition.
- V. Routing with Proxy ARP
- Finally, we are getting to the focus of this document now that all of
- the foundation has been described.
- Remember that Linux will put an entry into the ARP cache for the IP
- address and the associated hardware MAC address when it is to do proxy
- ARP. Remember that this cache is used to translate IP addresses to
- MAC addresses.
- When the remote connects at IP address, the Linux system
- will add this IP address and the MAC address associated with the eth0
- controller to the ARP cache.
- When it receives a request to translate the IP address to
- a MAC address, it will send the entry from its tables to the
- requester. The result is that frames to this IP address will be sent
- to the server and the server may then forward them to the remote
- system.
- This is how proxy ARP works. The server is a proxy (an agent, an
- inter-lopper, a 'front' person, etc.) for the remote IP address. It is
- saying to the network that it can accept frames for the remote IP
- address and deliver them by responding to the ARP requests.
- So, for proxy ARP to work, the IP address of the remote (
- in my example) needs to be on one of the IP networks for a network
- adapter.
- There are two reasons for this requirement.
- The first reason is that the MAC address of the controller is entered
- into the ARP cache to be associated with the IP address. A MAC
- address is required for the ARP assignment since the ARP cache is a
- translation from IP addresses to MAC addresses.
- The second reason is that all systems on the network do their own
- routing. They know that to send a IP frame to the remote's IP address
- that they must 'put it on the same wire' which is connected to the
- server's network adapter.
- VI. When Proxy ARP will not work
- Consider what would happen if the remote's IP address was
- rather than
- 1. The remote systems would not know where to send this address.
- They all know that to reach the IP network that the frames
- should go on the cable attached to eth0. However, there is no IP
- network for They would not know where to send frames to
- this destination.
- 2. The server would not know what controller to use for the
- appropriate MAC address when it made the ARP entry.
- This is the most common reason why proxy ARP will not work for people
- who wish to use it. They have a different IP network associated with
- the remote IP address than one of their own network interfaces.
- VII. Problems with Proxy ARP and what must be avoided
- 1. Do not have more than one system respond to the proxy ARP entry for
- a specific IP address. In the case of BSD, this will may mean that
- since proxy ARP for a range of addresses, ensure that that the
- address ranges do not conflict. For a network based upon BSD networking,
- this means that you should dedicate the entire network to one server.
- Again, BSD systems will bitterly complain if it receives more than one
- reply for its ARP request.
- 2. Do not attempt to perform Proxy ARP for an address which is already
- present on the network.
- This is a slight variation of the above problem. If you attempt to
- perform proxy ARP for an IP address which is presently available on
- the network, then two replies will be generated. This may mean that
- you should not take IP addresses from one network and move them to a
- remote connection which may cause the server to attempt to perform
- Proxy ARP.
- VII. What to do if you can't use Proxy ARP but want the same
- functionality.
- There are several choices available if you are unable to use proxy
- ARP.
- The easiest is to subnet the remote IP addresses so that all of the
- remote addresses are on their own IP network. Then add a network route
- on each of the routers (those devices which are indicated by the
- 'gateway' addresses of all of your hosts) so that the IP network is to
- be sent to the server to which the remote IP addresses connect.
- Alternately, you could use gated on the server and the routers.
- Alternately, you could put a host route if you don't wish to subnet
- the IP network. You would put entries in each of the routers for all
- of the remote IP addresses.
- You need to update only the gateways and routers. You do not need to
- change all of the hosts in your network. The default routes which the
- hosts use to send frames to routers will cause what is called a "ICMP
- re-direct" frame to be sent to the host making the request. This will
- automatically add a 'host' route to the appropriate server.
- VIII. Conclusion
- I hope that I have explained a little more about the proxy ARP and
- how it works. Fortunately, if you use pppd or dip-uri, you do not
- need to know how the mechanical steps in using it. It is
- automatically performed for you by these pieces of software.
- Proxy ARP is not for everyone. It is a workable solution in some
- cases. Hopefully, you can determine for yourself whether this will
- help you with your networking problems.
- Additional information may be found in the book 'TCP/IP Illustrated,
- volume 1' "The protocols" by W. Richard Stevens and published by
- Addison Wessley.
- Thank you.